Develop The Winning Habits of a World Class Network Marketer So You Can Take Your MLM Business to the Next Level

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Angelyn Toth

Dave is a master at delivering the information in a way that gets results.  Through stories and metaphor the message really hits home in a way that people can relate and practically apply in their business. I urge you to plug your team into this course, it will take your business to the next level!

Angelyn Toth Network Marketing Professional, Canada

Dear Determined Achiever,

Let me ask you a question?

  • Are you frustrated by the lack of progress in your business right now?
  • Do you feel that the goals you’ve set for yourself are not happening fast enough?
  • Are there actions you know you should be taking, but, yet, you keep procrastinating?
  • You know you’re capable of achieving so much more in your business and your life, right?


Have you ever had a day like this?
You wake up full of enthusiasm. Today is going to be the day when you do the things you’ve been procrastinating on. You’re going to make those phone calls, follow up with prospects, take those bold actions, finally get your act together.
But, as the hours roll by, you seem to be caught in a never-ending cycle of things to do, places to be, problems to solve.
It seems like there’s endless fires you put out. And the more you get caught up in the problems – often other people’s problems – the more problems you seem to attract.
And throughout your day, you experience stress, overwhelm, frustration, even fear.
And the list really does go on and on, doesn’t it?


A Little Bit About Where I’ve Come From…

My name is Dave O’Connor. I am a speaker, coach and consultant—specifically focused on helping people to upgrade their mindset so they can achieve their goals faster.

Over the past 20 years I have worked with thousands of network marketers, small business owners, coaches and consultants to achieve breakthrough results in performance.

The only reason I’m here is because I think you’re a lot like me. I know how you feel, I’ve been there.

You see, for years I struggled to make ends meet. I was working for a health and fitness company and for two years I was continuously losing money for the company. I was their worst salesman. The rest of my life was also a struggle. I was in a lot of debt and couldn’t pay my bills. Things were so bad, I was driving to work in my rundown car that had no insurance – I just couldn’t afford to pay it. That wasn’t the worst of it. Every morning I would wake up with a knot in my stomach. I was constantly living in a state of fear, doubt and worry. I thought it would never end.

And yet, I’m sure you can relate to this, somewhere deep inside I had a dream, a big dream. I knew I was capable of so much more. I saw myself traveling around the world, inspiring large roomfuls of people everywhere. Now and again I would get this feeling that I was destined for greater things. But there was something holding me back. Have you ever been in one of those situations where you just felt way over your head and you just couldn’t figure out how to succeed?

But somehow I managed to turn it all around…

It wasn’t easy, but I figured it out.

Have you ever met someone who believed in you more than you believed in yourself? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me. I ran into a mentor who explained to me what was taking place. He told me that my mind, more specifically my unconscious mind was wrongly programmed, that I had a large part of my mind working against me, sabotaging my success. He said this was very common.

For most people their goals were merely ideas, or weak wishes that were being constantly overwhelmed by their past.

Most people have their past working against them. It’s like a mighty tide that you’re trying to swim against. You have absolutely no chance. The answer, he said, was to change the tide, have it carrying you along towards your destination. Then you’ll succeed effortlessly.

To change the tide, you have to change the internal programming or blueprint from struggle to success, from poverty to prosperity, from fear to confidence.
In order to this I needed to reprogram my unconscious mind. I had to reset my autopilot from negative to positive. So I started training under the guidance of my mentor. I learned to access the control center of my mind and imprint the new empowering programs of my choice – for prosperity, confidence, success, happiness, etc.

I subsequently went on to realise my dream of becoming an inspirational speaker and seminar leader. I now travel all over the world helping people to turn their intentions into reality through my speaking & coaching programs.

And I’m here to show you how to overcome your limitations and help you get to where you want to go, fast!


Natalie Heeley

‘Dave’s 21 day training is absolutely amazing. I’ve been using this system for over 7 years now and it has helped develop my confidence and belief tenfold. Hundreds of my team are using this course and mastered their mindset as a results. I wholeheartedly recommend this training to anyone who wants to succeed in network marketing or life.’

Natalie Heeley Network Marketing Professional, UK

Are You Ready to Make a Breakthrough and Play Your Highest Game?

It really doesn’t matter what your goals are. The system I have developed has been proven over and over by people just like you to help you achieve success consistently.

It's called 21 Days of Action, and it can help you to succeed beyond your wildest expectations!

Just imagine if you had me as your mentor for the next 21 days - at a fraction of the price!

Now I must warn you. This course is not for the faint hearted. Every day you'll have me 'in your face', pushing you to expand your comfort zone, to take the necessary actions to get you to where you want to go in life. I'll be on your case, 'KICKING YOU INTO ACTION' to make sure you get RESULTS.

Here's what will happen...

Starting on Day One, you'll be guided through setting some real clear goals and intentions for your life. Then you'll learn to apply the power of your own unconscious mind to achieving those intentions.

And for the next 21 days, every day you'll have me mentoring you on exactly what you need to do that day to ensure you accomplish your goals within the next three weeks and beyond.

Contents of course...

Day 1: Goal Setting To Goal Getting

Getting clear on your goals and the habits you need to create so you can achieve excellence


Contents of session:

  • The 7 step formula to avhieving any goal
  • The power of making higher choices
  • Stop chasing results and have results chase YOU
  • Your single most important resource to achieve BIG
  • The inbuilt success mechanism that can turn your life around… overnight

Day 2: The Theatre of The Mind

Mastering the ancient art of mental rehearsal to design the life of your dreams


Contents of session:

  • The art of mental rehearsal and how to best use it for consistent high performance.
  • How to use the latest advances in Neuroscience to retrain your brain for higher levels of success.
  • Aristotle Onassis’s little-known secret to success that will become your greatest breakthrough to the bigtime
  • The right way to visualize (most people get it wrong every time)
  • How to turn your goals into a magnet that will attract the internal and external resources you need to achieve your goals with ease

Day 3: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Releasing the limiting beliefs that have been sabotaging your success since childhood


Contents of session:

  • How to challenge your beliefs and release the negative hold they’ve had over you
  • Rescripting your self-talk so you can change your state immediately
  • How to break the habits and patterns that no longer serve you
  • Replacing your limiting beliefs with the new empowering beliefs of your choice
  • The most powerful mantra in the world for changing beliefs, habits and patterns

Day 4: Taking Massive Action

How to take the consistent and massive action that will propel you to greatness

Contents of session:

  • The secret to taking inspired action especially on those days when you don’t feel up to it
  • Finally! The ultimate solution to overcoming procrastination
  • The absolute worst thing you can do which will kill even the best plan in the world
  • How to intimidate the fears that are holding you back
  • The action list technique that will skyrocket you to the top of your company
Renee Poindexter

“My life is more on track with my purpose because of my work with Dave. His mindset system is deep, rich and powerful because of the processes he integrates that goes beyond the conscious mind. He understands learning from the inside-out and creates empowering tools that extend beyond the LIVE workshops, through this online program. I have introduced his trainings to my top associates and they are experiencing life changing results. He is a true gem in the field of personal growth and business/life development!”

Renee Poindexter Network Marketing Professional, Portland, USA

Day 5: Changing Your Self-Image

Changing how you see and what you feel about yourself will transform you overnight

Contents of session:

  • The secret to feeling good and worthy about yourself on the inside and how if affects your outer world
  • Reprogramming your self image and creating the neural pathways of a winner
  • Activating the electrical and magnetic forces that govern the law of attraction
  • How to build the new ‘memories’ into your nervous system that will accelerate your success
  • Switching on the frontal lobes so you can think like a World Class Networker

Get The 21 Days of Action Audio Course For Just £197 £79

(that's 60% off the original price)

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then scroll down to where it says 'optional - pay with a debit or credit card.

Day 6: The Inner Game of Focus

Develop the World Class focus of a champion and watch your business skyrocket as a result

Contents of session:

  • Learn how to develop your powers of focus
  • Extracting the focus pattern that allowed the most successful minds on the planet to shape our world in positive ways
  • The silver bullet that will shoot down stress, doubt, overwhelm and break you free from the mediocrity of the masses
  • How mental concentration alone can change your brain by creating new neural connections
  • THE No.1 success secret of the richest man whoever lived and a powerful exercise that will enable you to learn it

Day 7: The Power of Guided of Meditation

The very latest brain research shows the power of switching mental gears

Contents of session:

  • Using science to use more of your mind and positively influence the unique electrical signatures know as brainwaves
  • The mind blowing modern brain research behind meditation and relaxation
  • Accessing the state of mindassociated with deeper insights, creativity, whole brain thinking & increased memory abilities
  • Tapping into the whole-brain functioning associated with geniuses—the Einsteins and Mozarts of the world and other creative, high-performance superachievers
  • How to stay in the zone for sustained periods of time so you can attract more of the right opportunities to you
  • A step by step process for deep meditation and relaxation
LuAnn Budiselic

“If you are sincerely ready to get “REAL” with yourself; then this course will truly give you the exercises and necessary practice, tapping into “YOU”, reprogramming and re-wiring your unconscious to bring out the potential  within, the winner you were meant to be. I want to acknowledge Dave for keeping myself and the others on track, in step, focused and concentrating on our Goals and our Dreams.”

LuAnn Budiselic Network Marketing Professional, California, USA

Day 8: The Laws of Gratitude

All successful people are consistently grateful

Contents of session:

  • Learn how to master the 3 levels of gratitude
  • How the law of appreciation can disolve negative emotions
  • The link between whole brain thinking and gratitude
  • How immersing yourself in the vibration of Gratitude can change your brain
  • Appying the laws of Gratitude to propel your business to the next level

Day 9: Leaving The Comfort Zone

Expanding your comfort zone so you can grow and evolve into a leader that matters


Contents of session:

  • How the greatest leaders developed the habit of expanding their comfort zone daily
  • Why the comfort zone is the danger zone and how you can avoid the ‘died at 30, buried at 70’ mentality
  • How to consistently move forward in faith instead of going backwards in fear
  • Training your brain to be bold and seize the biggest opportunities that will give you your best results.
  • Unleash your untapped creative and innovative abilities joyfully and expressively as you stretch and grow

Day 10: Managing Negative Emotions

How to control your emotions so you can keep your head in the game when times are tough

Contents of session:

  • How to take charge of your emotional states to overcome procrastination
  • How to change your state and feel powerful, confident, enthusiastic and unstoppable in an instant
  • Why releasing negative emotions is essential to attracting more of the right people into your business
  • How to elicit the right states of mind and emotions of the people around you
  • A powerful technique that will allow you to overcome people or situations that intimidate you

Get The 21 Days of Action Audio Course For Just £197 £79

(that's 60% off the original price)

To pay by Visa or Mastercard, simply click on the 'check out with paypal' button below,
then scroll down to where it says 'optional - pay with a debit or credit card.

Day 11: Midpoint Summary

The journey so far and how to pull it all together so you can accelerate your results 10x

Contents of session:

  • The power of repetition and why it’s the mother of all skill
  • Effortlessly improve your performance and results
  • Celebrate the journey! Enjoy the fruits of your own labor
  • Better than caffeine: Pump yourself on the energy of excellence and personal mastery
  • Boost your confidence to overcome any challenge that comes your way

Day 12: Modelling The Masters

How you can model the superachiever mindset and start to think, feel and act like a champion today

Contents of session:

  • Modelling the superachiever mindset so you can become a celebrity in your company
  • Richard Branson’s 12 secrets to success and how they can inspire you to greatness
  • If you do not ask yourself this one important question, all your efforts could be in vain…
  • Why there’s no need to reinvent the wheel and how every successful person has modeled somebody who came before them
  • The necessary role values, beliefs, defining moments and character traits play in your success
Emma Cooper

“Every 6 weeks I reset my goals by listening to this 21 Day course over and over again. I can honestly say this 21 day training has helped me succeed beyond my wildest expectations.”

Emma Cooper Network Marketing Professional, UK

Day 13: Certainty of Mind

Tapping into the level of ceratinty and absolute conviction that is the force behind any great success

Contents of session:

  • 5 steps you must take to engage your whole mind and avoid self-sabotage
  • Extract the best of your abilities you never knew you had with passionate energy and unstoppable momentum
  • How Donald Trump’s mindset secret can transform your results overnight
  • The difference between failure and success is only a switch in your mind from being ________to ___________
  • Arm yourself with the staying power to push past the finish line of achievement

Day 14: The Power of NOW

More and more research proves that being present is one of the greatest secrets to your success in business

Contents of session:

  • How avoiding ‘thought attacks’ can save you years of unnecessary pain and struggle in business
  • How this one strategy used by Gandhi can shift your mindset from failure to success in a heartbeat
  • Getting out of your own way so your internal guidance system can move your business to the next level
  • The exact steps to enter into the zone so you can find flow in your business
  • The secret to happiness – according to scientists – and how you can tap into it right now

Day 15: The Power of Vision

For lack of vision the people persish – how to design a compelling vision that inspires

Contents of session:

  • How to craft a World Class Vision that makes you unstoppable
  • How to infuse your vision with the belief and passion of a Winner
  • Being on a mission and staying aligned with your purpose daily
  • How to align with the law of attraction in a way that will accelerate your results
  • How thinking like a Superachiever can rapidly move you up the ladder of success

Get The 21 Days of Action Audio Course For Just £197 £79

(that's 60% off the original price)

To pay by Visa or Mastercard, simply click on the 'check out with paypal' button below,
then scroll down to where it says 'optional - pay with a debit or credit card.

Day 16: Managing Your Time

Time is your most valuable asset – don’t waste it living somebody else’s dream

Contents of session:

  • Determining where you should spend your time & where you should not
  • Millionarie time management secrets
  • How to avoid the time stealers that will kill your dreams
  • How to be highly productive, but staying in flow
  • Take the time versus money test

Day 17: The Rewards of Resilience

Train yourself to bounce back quickly from setbacks, disappointments and adversities

Contents of session:

  • You must avoid failure at all costs, right? Wrong! When failure, rejection and attack becomes your best friend
  • The truth about losing (and why this is good news for you)
  • Reducing your recovery time from setbacks and letting go of rejection to the point where you no longer take it personally.
  • Tapping into the perseverance mindset for longterm success
  • 10 secrets to becoming a resilience machine

Day 18: The Art of Reframing

There is no such thing as failure – only feedback

Contents of session:

  • The quickest and easiest way to overcome obstacles, setbacks, failure, financial difficulties and struggle of any kind
  • How to frame any situation in a way that leaves you stronger and empowered
  • Effortlessly turn your weaknesses into your greatest strengths with this fear-removing strategy
  • The golden rule high-achiever’s always use that mediocre performers choose to ignore
  • The single best way to diffuse failure and its negative effects

Day 19: Breaking Negative Habits

Interrupting the negative habit loop that’s sabotaging our success

Contents of session:

  • Breaking the bad habits that are acting as saboteurs to your happiness, success and fulfillment
  • The 5 frontal lobe questions that will enable you to create a new mindset
  • Taking back your power fromself destructive emotions
  • If you do not ask yourself this one important question, all your efforts could be in vain…
  • Using the pattern interrupt exercise to replace unwanted habits with the new empowering habits that serve you

Day 20: The Winners Mindset

Train yourself to bounce back quickly from setbacks, disappointments and adversities

Contents of session:

  • How to program yourself with decades of knowledge in with these 21 proven principals
  • The superachiever secret in step 2 that unites every single component of goal achieving to open the vault of success
  • How to accomplish what the average person achieves in a lifetime… in a fraction of that time
  • Open the tap of wisdom and access knowledge that is normally out of your reach
  • Installing the 21 habits of the winners mindset

Day 21: The Path To Mastery

The road less traveled and how you can not only walk your true path but truly enjoy the journey as well as the destination

Contents of session:

  • The Master’s Mindset that can save you years of unnecessary pain, help you avoid the traps and the pitfalls and show you exactly where to go for the shortcuts.
  • How to determine the “right action” to take when so many different ideas for action flood through your mind
  • Why understanding these spiritual laws that will make you a master of success
  • What to do when the goals you set don’t come to pass
  • How to walk the path of mastery and stay on track despite the inevitable distractions and temptations

Get The 21 Days of Action Audio Course For Just £197 £79

(that's 60% off the original price)

To pay by Visa or Mastercard, simply click on the 'check out with paypal' button below,
then scroll down to where it says 'optional - pay with a debit or credit card.

What Is Fulfillment Worth?

If you were to ask me, the fulfillment you’ll get from setting and achieving a goal is priceless. Network Marketing companies, Visionary leaders, Coaches, Consultants and Small Business Owners recognize the value of building a goal-setting mindset for success, and have thus paid me thousands of pounds to bring these results into their lives year after year.

And that is exactly why I have designed and put together a comprehensive home study course that anyone can use. And the best part is it has the exact same elements and techniques I teach top professionals in my personal consultations.

My objective with this home-study course is to make sure I can help as many people as possible learn how to set and achieve goals with passion, purpose and fulfillment.
So that’s why you’ll get the entire 21 Days of Action Mp3 Download Course at a mere fraction of its worth. I’m going to give you everything for just…

Jerry Conti

“Dave is one of the leading Network Marketing trainers in the world today. As well as personally experiencing the power of his 21 Day Kick into Action program, over the years I have seen hundreds of entrepreneurs take their business to a whole new level as a result of applying his teachings. Dave has come along at the perfect time – just when the industry needed a fresh new approach “

Jerry Conti San Diego, USA

 £197     £79   – Digital Collection — No Shipping


Get The 21 Days of Action Audio Course For Just £197 £79

(that's 60% off the original price)

To pay by Visa or Mastercard, simply click on the 'check out with paypal' button below,
then scroll down to where it says 'optional - pay with a debit or credit card.

Ideal for iPod or MP3 listeners. You can take it wherever you go, or you can even burn them onto a CD for safekeeping

Access to each and every recording. Simply download the audios and start changing your life within seconds.

Additional access to the Digital Collection download page, where you can refer to a PDF worksheet for each of the days.

Each lesson is designed to create new empowering habits and produce results. Listen to and inhabit the conscious lessons when jogging, while in your car during a commute, on the subway or bus or plane. Pop the tracks onto your iPod or CD player and take them wherever you go.

The unconscious closed eye processes are designed to reprogram and rewire your brain so you can form those new neural pathways that will give you more choices every moment of the day.

(Please note: this may seem obvious but you are NEVER to listen to the unconscious closed eye processes or exercises while driving your car or operating machinery of any kind)

The most important part of this program is what you do with it - your actions, contributions, decisions and the results of those decisions. To that end, and to focus your attention on achieving maximum performance, you are encouraged to master each step and apply it to every area of your life.

So let’s sum this up again.

Here is exactly what you will receive for as little as £79


  • 21 Mp3 Downloads of the field-tested and proven 21 Day System to breakthrough all your limitations and achieve your goals with consistent ease…
  • A further 14 unconscious guided meditation processes to assist you in reprogramming and rewiring yourself for success.
  • A PDF Worksheet for each one of the 21 lessons.
  • You’ll be given a login and password within 2 hours of ordering to access your mp3 downloads.


Now, I know that my programs have worked for over thousands of network marketers, coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs. And I know you are going to absolutely love this course. This is my life’s work and I put my heart, soul and my most prized and treasured information and secrets into this package for you.

However, I live my life with personal integrity. So if for any reason you feel that this course is not for you, I do not want to hold it against you and will happily give you back your money as my obligation to you.

Yes, you have 30 days to try out the 21 days of action course. And if you want to return it, just let me know and I will return every single penny, no questions asked.

Why am I willing to risk so much? Because I believe so strongly in how this system can not just turn your intentions into reality faster, but can create that internal shift that’s necessary to change your mindset so you can create a life of purpose and power.

I have seen so many other people, just like you, dramatically improve their lives in a short matter of time. You can do the same.

Get The 21 Days of Action Audio Course For Just £197 £79

(that's 60% off the original price)

To pay by Visa or Mastercard, simply click on the 'check out with paypal' button below,
then scroll down to where it says 'optional - pay with a debit or credit card.

For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

P.S. Don’t forget that with the £79 Special Offer, you’ll be saving BIG with a 60% discount. You’ll get instant digital access to the entire program with all unconscious exercises so you can start your transformation immediately.

P.P.S. My program is backed by my word of integrity, so you have 30 days to try the 21 days of action course absolutely risk free. So if you don’t like it for any reason, or if you choose to give up on your goals, then all you have to do is contact me within 30 days and I will happily return every penny, no questions asked.


To your success,

davesig copy



Earnings Disclaimer

We don’t believe in “get rich” programs or 'Pyramid' schemes – only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence. Our programs are intended to help you upgrade your mindset so you can elevate your performance and make a difference in the world. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavour or professional continuing education program. Please don’t enrol in our programs if you believe in the “money for nothing get rich quick” myth or ideology; we only want serious people dedicated to real professional development who want to add value and fulfil their true potential as a person. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our coaching, information, tools or strategies. We don’t know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, value, and training. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction; we give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back.


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