Attention Entrepreneurs, Network Marketers, Coaches, Consultants and Conscious Business Owners! Finally achieve every goal you want using a proven scientific process!
Master The Inner Game of Network Marketing In Just 10 - 20 Mins A Day So You Can Achieve The Success You Desire in Your Business
Science Has Recently Uncovered An Amazing System That Will Allow You To Absolutely Nail Your Goals Faster And Easier Than Ever Before.
Dear Friend,
If you've struggled to achieve your Network Marketing goals – if you’ve worked really hard, invested a lot of time (and money) attempting to grow your business, learning about the products, attending endless events and yet STILL not succeeded in building a significant income (or team) – I have exciting news that is really making a difference.
Because the world's top neuroscientists have discovered what REALLY controls the level of success you achieve…
… and more importantly, there's a new and proven system that incorporates these ground-breaking findings so that you can succeed beyond your wildest expectations.
Neuroscientists have discovered that the No.1 reason you haven't achieved the success you desire is that…
… deep down, you don't believe that you are worthy of success or you really feel a lack of belief and confidence belief in yourself.
Master Your Mindset and Rewire Your Thinking with the Alchemy System For Goal Achieving!
'Dave’s training is absolutely amazing. I’ve been using this system for 5 years now and my business has increased x 7 times over those 5 years. Using the Alchemy Blueprints really focuses my mind and it has helped develop my confidence and belief tenfold. I wholeheartedly recommend this training.'
Natalie Heeley, Sapphire Manager, Forever Living Products
We all have positive and negative beliefs. These beliefs determine how we feel, as well as what actions we take or don’t take … which then ultimately determine the results we get.
These beliefs are programs deep in our subconscious mind.
Overwhelming research shows that we and our lives are largely run by are unconscious, based on these programs.
The bottom line: Your current results are merely a reflection of your deeper inner world, a mirror of what you believe to be true about yourself and the world around you.
The biggest obstacle facing Network Marketers is themselves! It’s the inner doubt, fear and low self esteem. It’s all very well telling yourself to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. You’ve most probably heard this a million times. And still you’re probably procrastinating on taking the actions you know you should be taking consistently. My experience is that people need to go deeper. And that’s also what the research shows.
If you want to achieve greater success … you must reprogram your mind to believe that you deserve and are capable of creating the business and lifestyle you desire.
Now, you might be thinking, 'Well, Dave, that's not true – I believe that I can reach the top in my MLM business.' Let me share something important…
Sometimes we are conscious of the limiting beliefs, negative emotions and fears that are holding us back. For example, you might be aware that you're fearful of rejection – that you take this too personally - and this is clearly something you need to work on. You may be aware that you have a fear of what others think of you and this is why you procrastinate on making phone calls consistently and following up with prospects. This is why you avoid getting out of the house to talk to people and generate more leads. Instead you get busy being busy, hiding behind emails, etc, instead of taking the high leveraged actions that you know will move your business forward.
“My life is more on track with my purpose because of my work with Dave. His mindset system is deep, rich and powerful because of the processes he integrates that goes beyond the conscious mind. He understands learning from the inside-out and creates empowering tools that extend beyond the LIVE workshops, through this online program. I have introduced his trainings to my top associates and they are experiencing life changing results. He is a true gem in the field of personal growth and business/life development!”
-Renee Poindexter, Diamond at Univera, Portland, USA
But you can also have deeper fears of success and failure, because there are greater responsibilities with achieving more. For example if you have fears of public speaking, you could be subconsciously holding back in your business because at some level you know you’ll be asked to get up in front of the room or on stage in front hundreds or even thousands of people. So secretly you won’t be giving it your all, or worse still, you will sabotage your success just as you’re within sight of the winning post.
The idea of earning more and achieving more may mean you have a greater responsibility as a leader with a larger team to manage, and deep down you could be saying, “What if I try my very best and fail? What if I let people down? What will people think of me?” Many people are unaware that fear of failure or fear of success or fear of rejection can stop us dead in our tracks even before we begin our quest to make it in our business.
These hidden limitations are deeply buried in our unconscious – and the deeper they are, the more they control our behavior. In fact these negative programs lead us to failure and mediocrity automatically.
“We brought Dave in to do a full day workshop on Mindset Mastery with the team and they loved it! Many of our team have incorporated Dave’s Alchemy Blueprints into their daily routine with great success. I highly recommend this training to everyone in Forever!”
-Satnam Singh, Soaring manager, Forever Living Products
Your UNCONSCIOUS mind is what ultimately determines your success – or failure!
You may believe that you are consciously in control of your life. In fact, research shows the opposite. The programs stored in your unconscious are similar to an autopilot. Whatever programs are currently installed on your autopilot – positive or negative – will ultimately happen.
To truly free yourself and achieve the success you deserve in your business, it's essential to rewire your thinking and reprogram yourself for success at the unconscious level.
You have to reset your autopilot. And I can help you do it … in as little as 30 days.
'Since I started using Dave’s mind training system I have achieved a level in my business that I never thought was possible. It’s so amazing to look back and see what’s happened! The blueprints are like magic! I highly recommend this program, it will change your business and life”
Julianna Woods, Soaring Manager, Forever Living Products
Using the Alchemy system enables you to develop new beliefs and habits and eliminate your most deeply rooted fears. By mastering the 'Inner Game of MLM' you'll learn to release your conscious or unconscious doubts, fears and self-limiting beliefs, and truly unlock your potential! This is how you transform your life and results from the inside out!
No other goal setting program today does this as well, as fast, and as easily as The Alchemy System For Goal Achieving. Based on decades of brain research, this program combines the most powerful mindset techniques with the most current neuroscientific methodologies:
This proprietary system allows you to access the deeper part of the mind where all change takes place. It will enable you to move past any sticking points or plateaus faster, and get you laser-focused on your business goals and lifestyle vision for the future with unshakeable belief and certainty like never before. In just a short time-frame, you’ll develop the thought patterns and actions of highly successful leaders in your business.
This is a progressive program that will transform your self-image. All it takes is 10-20 minutes per day of mindset training using this program for 30 days. Imagine overcoming your fears and being the leader you’ve always wanted to be. Imagine building the team of leaders you’ve always wanted. And imagine making the income that will give you the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. Or... you could continue to wonder what might have been had you taken action and actually mastered the inner game of Network Marketing.
Using the Alchemy approach you will:
- Consistently make more phone calls
- Create more effective one to one’s
- Recruit more team members faster
- Attract better quality prospects
- Become a better leader
- Follow up more consistently
- Give more dynamic presentations
- Find it easier to approach people
- Qualify faster for the various incentives
- Handle stress and overwhelm better
- Overcome your hidden fears
- Enjoy the journey more
- Hit your targets consistently
- Oh…and you’ll make more money!
You have to rewire your thinking for greater success
By tapping into the right mindset, you will be better able to leave your comfort zone consistently and even start to enjoy doing the things you previously feared.
Luanne Budeselic Arbonne International“The Alchemy System has not only transformed my business, it has made a massive difference to my life and lifestyle. The reprogramming and rewiring blueprints will help keep you laser- focused and on purpose, accelerating you towards great success in your Network Marketing business”
You will develop the unstoppable confidence and certainty that will enable you to forge ahead and achieve your business and lifestyle goals—regardless of your past fears or what’s currently happening in your environment.
Part 1: The 7 Step Alchemy System of Goal Mastery Webinar (A £47 Value)
The first part of the Mind Training System is a 60 minute detailed webinar and downloadable audio of the 7 Step Alchemy System for Goal Achieving. This is a step-by-step process for learning how to set clear goals and more importantly mastering the art of achieving those goals in your business and life.
Part 2: The AM and PM Alchemy Blueprint Re-Patterning Process (A £100 Value)
This is the core of the entire program where you will rewire your thinking and reprogram your own subconscious mind for greater success. I’m right with you EVERY DAY as your guide and mentor, re-training your brain. All you have to do is find a quiet place and listen to these special audios every morning and evening. Most people are familiar with that negative voice on their shoulder talking them out of their greatness. Allow me to be that positive voice on your other shoulder supporting and encouraging you to take the actions you know you need to take daily.
Included in these AM & PM Blueprints is a process known as brainwave entrainment — which involves playing specially-created audio sounds called binaural beats into each ear — which can positively influence our state of mind.
Brainwave entrainment helps you process information more rapidly and accurately, enjoy increased motivation, and increases your attention, focus and awareness. Every state of mind has a unique electrical signature that can be detected in the brain. These signatures are known as “brainwaves.” Brainwaves can be measured and recorded using specialized equipment – such as an EEG machine. This allows us to map what brainwaves are present during certain key states of mind. For example, we know the exact brainwave patterns that exist when we’re relaxed… or focused…or stressed… or sleeping.
That means we can help bring about key states of mind at will — just by listening to these blueprints. There are 5 commonly recognized categories of brainwaves – beta, alpha, delta, theta, and gamma – and each is associated with a different mental state. Our brain habitually generates these frequencies, but neuroscience has found that you can alter them through the use of different sounds.
If you are new to binaural beats, they have been around for years. I didn’t invent them. Countless scientific studies, including at the national Institute of health, have found that they can help change a person’s state.
This is not the hocus pocus woo-woo material. Binaural beats are perfectly safe but I recommend you NOT listen to the blueprint sessions while driving or operating machinery.
Together we’ll cancel out old negative self-talk and eliminate old negative behaviours that have held you back. We’ll replace them with the powerful, precise, positive messages your mind needs, boosting your confidence, certainty and self-esteem so you feel amazing about where you’re at, where you’re going, the success you’ll be achieving in your Network Marketing business and the good life you get to enjoy. In just 10-20 minutes a day, we’ll lay the solid foundation you need to retrain your brain in your first month. You will know it’s working and feel and see the changes in your business and life within the first 30 days. In my experience the absolute best results are achieved over 90 days. But once you’ve been consistent for 30 days, it will be easier to keep the momentum going for 60 and 90 days because you will have developed the habit of listening to your recordings. If you’re consistent, every single week the Alchemy System will take you deeper and deeper, accelerating the re-training of your brain. The deeper we go each week, the more pronounced and dramatic your changes will be. After 90 days you will have developed the beliefs and habits of a Network Marketing winner that will allow you to create the income and the lifestyle you deserve.
Part 3: Alchemy Recorded Webinar Series (A £197 Value)
Part 3 is the powerful 6-week recorded Alchemy Webinar Series that is designed to help you master the Alchemy System™ principles.
Every week you will receive a 60-90 min recorded webinar to help you implement the teachings and further develop your mindset mastery skills. The power of this work is greatly amplified when it’s reinforced week after week. Trying to make and sustain change can be difficult when the people around you don’t share your vision. Too often, the environment we’re in sabotages our growth, change and success. But with this special component of the Alchemy program, you’ll be able to build momentum and take your game to a whole new level.
You can watch the webinars at your convenience in the private members portal. You will also be able to download the audio of each webinar, along with the weekly blueprint process, to your mobile device.
Let's recap – you get the:
- 7 Step Alchemy System of Goal Mastery Webinar & Audio $76
- AM and PM Alchemy Blueprint Brain Re-Patterning Process $162
- 6 x Alchemy Recorded Webinar Course $320
Your Total Value = £344.00
But I don't want this proven system to be exclusive and accessible in the way my one to one private coaching is!
So for a very limited time you can get the Alchemy System™ For Goal Achieving for just £97.00
No other program that I know of offers such as comprehensive mindset system of training, growth and support for Network Marketers at this price.
P.S. Most people think that the key to success in Network Marketing is working harder and longer. Unfortunately this is a limiting mindset that keeps many great entrepreneurs in MLM from fulfilling their true potential. In fact, it’s a mindset that leads to overwhelm, stress and eventually burnout. So many good people struggle unnecessarily, becoming financially challenged, their health suffers while stealing away precious time with their families.
You do have to take action to succeed … but it’s the combination of inspired and consistent action with the right mindset that will allow you to win. You'll discover how to create the business and team you want … faster, easier and with less effort.
Kim Penney, Independent Distributor at Forever Living“I would highly recommend Dave’s Alchemy Coaching System for anyone wanting to push through their boundaries to achieve their "STRETCH GOALS". Working with Dave enables you to understand how your mind can work for you to reach your goals. Enabling you to focus your daily activity subconsciously to bring about the end result. Dave has helped me beyond expectation with both my personal and business development. His coaching is great fun too.”
Sarah Matyjasik, Independent Distributor at Forever Living“Since using Dave’s Alchemy approach my mindset is completely different. I have so much more confidence and belief in myself and as a result my business has just gone from strength to strength. I urge you to invest in this goal achieving system for you and your team – I promise you won’t be disappointed”
Research Proves It Works:
Research has proven that introducing a binaural beat will cause the brain to begin resonating in tune with that beat. 1) “A Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave Entrainment”, Tina L Huang, PHD, and Christine Charyton, PHD. This binaural beat research paper nicely summarises 20 previous peer-reviewed studies into the psychological effects of Brainwave Entrainment. The overall conclusion was that brainwave entrainment is an “effective therapeutic tool”. People suffering from cognitive functioning deficits, stress, pain, headaches & migraines, PMS and other behavioural problems all benefitted from using binaural beats. A sample quote from this paper: “The immediate psychological effects on memory, attention, stress, pain, headaches and migraines were shown to benefit from even a single session of brainwave entrainment”. One study even found that improvements in intelligence and behaviour lasted after the binaural beats were withdrawn, and that previous users could now produce the brainwave frequencies induced by Brainwave Entrainmenton their own. This suggests that the results can be permanent, even after you stop using binaural beats.
More Proof From Clinical Research
Research Papers from Wilson, 1990, and Rhodes, 1993
Conclusion: Binaural Beats increase relaxation, meditation, pain management, improve sleep, and reduce stress.
3) Research Paper from Hiew, 1995
Conclusion: Binaural Beats help to increase creativity, relaxation and meditation.
4) Research from Robert Monroe, Monroe Institute
Binaural Beats “increase focus, problem solving, creativity, memory, learning, sleep induction, pain control and enhanced learning”.
This study was also reported in the 1986 book Megabrain, by Michael Hutchison.
5) Research Paper by Dr Siegried Othmer
In this study brain wave entrainment usage was shown to produce average IQ increases of 23%.
In cases where the IQ was lower than 100 to begin with, the average IQ increase was 33 points.
Dr Othmer also reported “dramatic improvements” in the subjects’ visual retention (i.e. memory), auditory memory, reading and arithmetic.
In a follow-up study after one year, Dr Othmer reported “major” long-term improvements in self-esteem and concentration, and “significant” improvements in sleep patterns, irritability, organisation… and even handwriting.
Still More Scientific Proof
Alternative Therapy Health And Medicine, 2001
This study looked at the effectiveness of binaural beats for the treatment of anxiety. Subjects used them 5 times a week for four weeks. The result was that listening to binaural beats caused a “significant reduction” in the subjects’ anxiety score.
Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, Jan / Feb 2007, “Binaural Beat Technology in Humans: A Pilot Study to Assess the Psychological and Physiological Effects”, by Helane Wahbeh, Carlo Calabrese, Heather Zwickey.
This binaural beat research study involved 8 healthy adults over a 60 day period.
The subjects who used binaural beats reported a “decrease in anxiety, and an increase in the quality of life”.
The Bottom Line: Science proves binaural beats work.
Now let them work in your business and life.